How to add or edit your SIN or ITN
First, go to your Profile in Workday
- Log into your Workday account at
- On the Workday home screen, click your user icon in the top right corner.
- Click the “View Profile” button in the pop-up menu.

Next, go to your personal information
- Click the “Personal” tab in the left menu.
- Click the “IDs” tab in the top menu.

Add or update your SIN or ITN
- Click the “Edit” button in your IDs view.
- Read the information in blue text. It provides additional information for adding your SIN or ITN number.

To update your SIN number:
- Click the plus sign in the top left of the “National IDs” table.
- Enter ‘Canada’ in the “Country” box.
- Select ‘Social Insurance Number’ under “National ID Type”.
- Add your SIN in the “Current ID” box.
- Update the “Issued Date” and “Expiration Date” boxes.
- Please check that the information is correct before proceeding, since you will not be able to see your SIN or ITN in full through your Workday profile.
- Click the orange “Submit” button to save your changes.

To update your ITN:
- Click the plus sign in the top left of the “Government IDs” table.
- Enter ‘Canada’ in the “Country” box.
- Select ‘Individual Tax Number’ under “Government ID Type”.
- Add your ID number in the “Identification #” box.
- Update the “Issued Date” and “Expiration Date” boxes.
- Please check that the information is correct before proceeding, since you will not be able to see your SIN or ITN in full through your Workday profile.
- Click the orange “Submit” button to save your changes.

View your changes
You can view your changes and confirm that your SIN or ITN has been added to your record by returning to your IDs view on your “Personal” tab in your profile. Follow the previous instructions for going to your personal information.
You will see that you have a SIN on record. However, your number will not be shown on screen. Instead, you will see “XXX XXX XXX”. Your SIN will only be visible to staff that require it for their work.