Viewing your financial account activity: Tuition amount and payments

About your account activity

The “Account Activity” page provides a transaction summary of all your account transactions, including tuition charges, student fees, and payments. Your summary will include transactions from all academic periods. 

When to use this process  

  • To view all charges made to your account.
  • To view all payments made to your account. 
  • To find out if a particular transaction (charge or payment) is on your account. For example, if you are an international student, you may want to find out if you are charged an iMED fee.    

Things to know

Your Account Activity will only display a record of the payments you have made to your account. If you need a receipt for a payment you made through TouchNet, that receipt will only be available in TouchNet.

Your Account Activity does not refresh in real time. Tuition and student fees are assessed nightly.

How to view your account activity

First, go to your Finances App  

  1. Log into your Workday account at
  2. On the right side of the page, in the “Your Top Apps” menu, click the “Finances” app.

Next, go to your account activity

In the Finances app, you will be taken to the “Finances” page by default. In the “Tuition and Fees” menu to the right, click the “View Account Activity” link.

Review your account activity

On the “Account Activity” page, you will be brought to your Account Summary which displays:

  • Your Name
  • Institution
  • Your Total Account Balance: This is the total amount you owe on your account. This may include payments due now and payments due at a later date.
  • Your Due Now Balance: This is the sum of your current and overdue charges (if any) that you need to pay now. Any anticipated payments, like your sponsor or award payments, will not be included in this balance.

You may not see any ‘Charges’ until you register in courses.

Transaction Summary  

Your “Transaction Summary” will be displayed in a table below your Account Summary.

The table contains your transactions, charges, payments, and financial aid listed in order of transaction date. Your most recent transaction will be listed at the top. Each transaction lists the transaction date, the due date, and a description. 

The Transaction Summary displays account transactions from all academic periods.  

Due Now Details

Click the “Due Now Details” tab at the top of the table to display a summary of your Past Due Charges, Current Due Charges, Anticipated Payments, and Unapplied Payments. 

  • Past Due Charges: These are charges that have passed their payment due date. 
  • Current Due Charges: These are charges that are due within the next 30 days.
  • Anticipated Payments: These are funds that you expect to receive, like sponsorship or award payments, but are not deposited in your account yet.
  • Unapplied Payments: This is the total of payments made in an academic period that were not used for any of your charges.  

Click the blue dollar amount link to learn more about your charges or payments. A pop-up window listing the individual charges or payments will appear. 

Additional resources